
Oct 2, 2024 I’m thrilled to announce that our paper titled “User-based I/O Profiling for Leadership Scale HPC Workloads” has been accepted to ICDCN25 to be held in Haydarabad, India January 4th to 7th 2025.
Jun 12, 2024 I’m honored to announce that I started off another internship at NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in this day.
May 26, 2024 I had the honor to present a poster about our project on I/O interference characterization with the Berkeley Lab (LBNL) at the IPDPS PhD forum.
Jan 24, 2024 I’m honored to announce that I received an offer from USENIX to support my travel to FAST’24 in Santa Clara, CA.
Nov 12, 2023 I will be on a volunteership duty at Supercomputing’23 (SC’23) conference from today until November 18th in Denver, CO.